Why Graydon?

Your role

Graydon has long been known for its solutions to support the finance department and in particular credit management. Today we also offer a wide spectrum of solutions for other professionals.

Relevant business data and modern technologies have opened up a whole new world. Whereas in the past business information was mainly linked to creditworthiness, today it has many more applications outside the traditional walls of the financial service.

Buyer persona Graydon

The mass of data available today and the right analysis tools make it possible to look into the future and, for example, to create a score to calculate the probability of anything. This will be of interest for multiple departments and professionals throughout the organisation. Making decisions without data and insights is completely outdated today. Building an efficient and healthy organisation and making difficult strategic choices are only possible if you have the right resources and insights.

Which department are you in? Read more about the challenges on the following pages and learn how Graydon can support you in this.