General management

General management is responsible for the development and implementation of the strategic objectives and cannot do this without data and insights. It directs all strategic and operational activities of the company and is ultimately responsible for sales, EBIT margins and if listed on the stock exchange, the share price.

Graydon & general management

General management must be convinced that the company must focus on innovation and invest in quality in order to continue to grow. It wants to score high in terms of customer and employee satisfaction and tries to set up efficient processes based on its technological knowledge to take the company to an even higher level.

The world is evolving rapidly. Economic and technological developments follow each other in rapid succession. Ignoring that evolution is not an option. The general management is now more than ever preparing for the future and survival of the company. To stay ahead of the pack, the solutions the company offers must continuously improve. It closely monitors competition, the market and new technologies.

Relevant topics

  • Innovation and partnerships
  • Competition - also from other sectors
  • Increasing customer influence


  • Macroeconomic evolution
  • Business evolution
  • Technological advancement


  • Turnover | margins | EBIT
  • Innovation
  • Increase in efficiency in the technological field
  • Employee satisfaction

Graydon supports you

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